Here in the Mid-Atlantic, our ski season is short, our goals are high, and most of us have full-time jobs, families, pets, and other hobbies that impinge upon the ability to ski every day of the winter on man-made snow in Pennsylvania with 600 feet (generously counting) of vertical drop. Ski season is coming (2 months!) - if you want to hit your goals this year, you'd better start now. You have goals, right? Set yourself up for success. Don't be just a winter athlete . It just doesn't work like that. 1) Find a fall sport that gets you strong and builds aerobic capacity. Picture December 27th, the Monday after Christmas. Hundreds of beginner children show up with new skis. The people at 3pm paid just as much as the morning folks - do you want to be the one to let them down? Are you going to be that instructor ... you know, the one that stands at the bottom of the class, yelling at them, rolling their eyes and sauntering...