Where is the skier’s weight?
Is the stance forward of center, back of center, inside, over the outside ski?
Is the weight always in one place or does the weight move throughout the turn?
Is the weight falling onto the uphill ski or staying over the downhill ski?
Is the width of the stance helping or hindering balance?
Are ankles flexing?
What is happening during the initiation, shaping or finishing phase?
What is the body doing?
What are the skis doing?
Turn shape
What is the shape of the turn in the snow?
Smooth and rounded like a C, or with an asymmetrical shape like a J?
Do linked turns look smooth like an S or sharp and angular like a Z?
What are the skis doing throughout the turn?
Are the skis skidding or carving?
When are the skis flat in the turn and when are they on edge?
Use of Skills
When and where (in the turn and the body) are edging movements occurring?
Are they happening progressively throughout the turn?
Are they happening all at once in one part of the turn?
What parts of the body are used to put the skis on edge?
Do the skis go on edge simultaneously or sequentially?
When and where (in the turn and the body) are rotary movements occurring?
Are they happening all at once in one part of the turn?
Are they happening progressively throughout the turn?
What part of the body is turning and making the skis turn?
When and where (in the turn and the body) are the pressure management movements occurring?
Are they happening all at once in one part of the turn?
Are they happening progressively throughout the turn?
What parts of the body are flexing and extending?
Are the skier’s movements in harmony with the direction of travel?
Is the skier making any excessive movements in a direction other than that of travel (e.g. is there excessive up/down movement or lean into the hill?
Do the turns flow from one to another?
Does the skier have to make a big/aggressive move into the new turn?
Where is the skier’s weight?
Is the stance forward of center, back of center, inside, over the outside ski?
Is the weight always in one place or does the weight move throughout the turn?
Is the weight falling onto the uphill ski or staying over the downhill ski?
Is the width of the stance helping or hindering balance?
Are ankles flexing?
What is happening during the initiation, shaping or finishing phase?
What is the body doing?
What are the skis doing?
Turn shape
What is the shape of the turn in the snow?
Smooth and rounded like a C, or with an asymmetrical shape like a J?
Do linked turns look smooth like an S or sharp and angular like a Z?
What are the skis doing throughout the turn?
Are the skis skidding or carving?
When are the skis flat in the turn and when are they on edge?
Use of Skills
When and where (in the turn and the body) are edging movements occurring?
Are they happening progressively throughout the turn?
Are they happening all at once in one part of the turn?
What parts of the body are used to put the skis on edge?
Do the skis go on edge simultaneously or sequentially?
When and where (in the turn and the body) are rotary movements occurring?
Are they happening all at once in one part of the turn?
Are they happening progressively throughout the turn?
What part of the body is turning and making the skis turn?
When and where (in the turn and the body) are the pressure management movements occurring?
Are they happening all at once in one part of the turn?
Are they happening progressively throughout the turn?
What parts of the body are flexing and extending?
Are the skier’s movements in harmony with the direction of travel?
Is the skier making any excessive movements in a direction other than that of travel (e.g. is there excessive up/down movement or lean into the hill?
Do the turns flow from one to another?
Does the skier have to make a big/aggressive move into the new turn?
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