This December I skied with the wonderful Mermer Blakeslee and a group of really fun people. The lovely Jane skied with me and I'm putting our notes together to create a series of posts. We experimented with different radii turns at different speeds and on different types of terrain. Then we moved on to skiing with little or no edge angle. Mermer coached us to must resist the temptation to slip into a wedge by working the inside ski. If you work the outside ski only, the wedge will appear. Why? This drill helps you center yourself over your skis and gives you immediate feedback if you start getting back. If you can lean on an edge, you probably will. Taking the edges away means you have to center yourself. It’s a particularly a good drill to get things back in shape in early season. You can take this drill in a couple of different directions. Rotary - Add focus of turning the legs and shaping the turn Edging - Add progressive edging to shape turns Pressure - Add flexion...