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Ages 3 to 6 – CAP

I can only remember one or two things at a time
I can show you what I learned
I need to learn new vocabulary
I have an active imagination
I need structure
I have a short attention span
I like to play games
I copy and mimic well

Characteristics ---- Instructor Responses
Egocentric (self-focused) ---Be prepared to give lots of individual attention
Have short attention spans --- Keep tasks short and change often
Can’t translate your right and left to their own --- Face the same direction as the students when demonstrating
Comprehension based on how things are, not what caused them --- Focus on how something should look and feel
Relate to the world through fantasy --- Use pretend situations and themes

I don’t need to be perfect
I need to feel safe
I may want my mom or dad
I may not like new surroundings
I may need reassurance
I like to be told when I do something well

Characteristics --- Instructor Responses
Shifting from singular play to group play --- Focus on having fun as a group
Beginning to share but may still be hesitant ---- Encourage them and reward them when they do
Care more about having fun than competing --- Set up your lesson so there are only winners, no losers
Have clear-cut moral values (good is good, bad is bad) --- Explain that an undesired behavior is bad fro the child and the group
Like slapstick humor and just being silly --- Don’t try to keep it serious; have fun with them

My head is large compared to my body (Imagine skiing with the equivalent of a 40 lb. helmet)
I have a higher center of mass
I like constant movement
I get tired easily
My arms and legs may not work independently

Characteristics --- Instructor Responses
Have difficulty seeing or hearing something amid visual and auditory distractions ---  Make demonstrations and instructions clear; look and speak directly at each child; keep their attention
Boys and girls have similar size and strength --- Maintain similar expectations; don’t treat girls differently
Body moves as a unit; leg rotation is difficult --- Focus on rotation of the upper torso as the major turning force
Fine motor skills not well developed --- Don’t demonstrate or expect refined body movements

Children’s Instructional Manual, Children’s Instruction Handbook


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