Here are my dos and don'ts. Add yours in the comments.
Do come to an agreement about expectations
Trainers get frustrated because candidates don’t do their homework. Candidates get frustrated because they don’t get enough support. A better solution for both parties to agree on expectations of each other
Do ask about the plan
My tech director always asks candidates what their plan is. It’s important to analyze strengths and weaknesses then come up with a training plan. This goes in hand with the first do.
Do pay attention to the calendar
Many of my friends have been sent to emotional tailspin when trainers said they were going to fail days before an exam. Once their money is paid, what can be accomplished by dropping a bomb on them?
Don’t mess them up
A friend of mine was horribily confused by a trainer who got the inside and outside ski mixed up. Tread lightly with canidates especially when the exam is days away.
Do ask candidates what they need
We know students have different needs and learning styles. Candidates aren’t any different. We still need to address learning styles and check for understanding. This may require you to switch teaching styles for each canidate in a group.
Don't forget the tactical stuff
There are a lot of ways to mentally and tactically approach each task. Make sure you're candiates find a method that works for them.
Don’t give them all the answers
My friend Brian makes me reason my way through any questions. He will also send me back to the books. It may be mildly annoying at first, but I never forget the answer once I find it.
Do come to an agreement about expectations
Trainers get frustrated because candidates don’t do their homework. Candidates get frustrated because they don’t get enough support. A better solution for both parties to agree on expectations of each other
Do ask about the plan
My tech director always asks candidates what their plan is. It’s important to analyze strengths and weaknesses then come up with a training plan. This goes in hand with the first do.
Do pay attention to the calendar
Many of my friends have been sent to emotional tailspin when trainers said they were going to fail days before an exam. Once their money is paid, what can be accomplished by dropping a bomb on them?
Don’t mess them up
A friend of mine was horribily confused by a trainer who got the inside and outside ski mixed up. Tread lightly with canidates especially when the exam is days away.
Do ask candidates what they need
We know students have different needs and learning styles. Candidates aren’t any different. We still need to address learning styles and check for understanding. This may require you to switch teaching styles for each canidate in a group.
Don't forget the tactical stuff
There are a lot of ways to mentally and tactically approach each task. Make sure you're candiates find a method that works for them.
Don’t give them all the answers
My friend Brian makes me reason my way through any questions. He will also send me back to the books. It may be mildly annoying at first, but I never forget the answer once I find it.
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