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Emotions and Learning

• Emotional learning can be a powerful component in creating long-term memory of an event
• Each new experience is given value and meaning based on previous experiences
• Learning is almost impossible for someone who is scared

Emotional and Social Development
• Emotions develop through exploration of social experiences and practicing emotional expression

• As we develop emotions become better integrated with thought

• Children b/w 3 and 6 begin to develop key relationships with adults and have a desire to please

• In adolescence social norms are more important than authority figures

• In adulthood good and bad are based on individual values

• We are wired for survival which includes harmony with the clan


• Through make-believe and pretend children learn to express emotion, play roles and build relationships

• By 4 or 5 games with rules are introduced, it isn’t until 7 or 8 that games have winners and scores

• At this age children begin noticing improvement and become motivated by results


• For development of a rich and full memory, emotional value and meaning must be attached.

• Studies have shown that the ability to recall lists of works is greater when the words evoke powerful images and emotions

• Memory is a random access system that uses emotional cues to retrieve information from all areas of the brain simultaneously

• Successful learning is more likely if the experience is connected to a meaningful sensory, physical or emotional episode


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